Carl Jung Resources > PAPERSTORE


Find more about Jung's ideas and concepts by reading our papers.

Many treats of the dream interpretation method and other related topics, such as symbolism and the I Ching.

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The Meaning of Anima in Dreams

A short paper treating of the meaning of anima in dreams of man and woman. Please note that this paper is offered free should you take our Jung and Dreams email course.

[PDF, word count 747 - Price 5.95]
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The Meaning of a Dream with Shadow

A short paper explaining the meaning and function of the shadow archetype in a dream. Please note that this paper is offered free should you take our Jung and Dreams email course.

[PDF, word count 523 - Price 5.95]
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Mandala in Dreams

Describe the various forms of mandala in dreams and explains the meaning of such dreams.

[PDF, word count 645 - Price 5.95]
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Child Symbolism in Dreams

Treats of the child symbolism approached by Jung mainly in his chapter included in the book Essays on a Science of Mythology. Please note that this paper is offered free should you take our Jung and Dreams email course.

[PDF, word count 981 - Price $5.95]
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Jung and I Ching

The paper treats of the experience of Carl Jung with the Book of Changes. Please note that this paper is offered free should you take our I Ching Methods and Meaning email course.

[PDF, word count 1308 - price 5.95]
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I Ching Dictionary

Dictionary of terms in I Ching. Please note that this item is offered free should you take our I Ching Methods and Meaning email course.

[PDF, word count 973  - Price $5.95]
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Two Types of Questions and the Likely Answers of the I Ching Oracle

This paper treats of the questions one may ask the oracle and their corresponding responses.

[PDF, word count 682  - Price 5.95]
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 I Ching and Psychotherapy

This paper shows the way in which we can use the I Ching oracle in case analysis and especially in dream analysis.

[PDF, word count: 1255 - Price: $5.95]
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Example of Using I Ching in Dream Interpretation

The author provides an example of a dream interpreted with the help of I Ching divination. Useful for Jungian psychotherapists as well. Please note that this paper is offered free should you take our Jung and Dreams email course.

[PDF, word count: 810 - Price $5.95]
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Snake Symbolism in Dreams and Fantasies

This paper analyzes the snake symbolism in dreams and fantasies as approached by Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud. Finally, the author offers an example of interpretation of snake symbol in a dream. In doing this, he applies both methods.

[PDF, word count: 1783 - Price $9.95]
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Symbols and Symbolism at Jung and Freud

Though the most influential Freud's disciples, Carl Jung developed his own psychoanalytic method and mainly the way of approaching the symbols. This paper provides a comparison between these two methods.

[PDF, word count: 1535 - Price $9.95]
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Jung and Religion

Generally speaking Carl Jung's approach of religion looks very ardent and enthusiastic. Many would claim that he was a religious person who believed in God and so forth. Starting from two quotes, this paper shows us the way Jung thought about religion back when he corresponded with Sigmund Freud. This paper is offered free should you register with our newsletter here.

[PDF, word count: 739 - Price $5.95]
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Dreams and Synchronicity

Treats of the dream connected to a specific life event through synchronicity by Jung in his book Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Please note that this paper is offered free should you take our Jung and Dreams email course.

[PDF, word count 1033 - Price $5.95]
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A Symptomatic Dream of C. G. Jung

This paper provides an analysis of a dream dreamt by Carl Jung shortly before the break with Freud. The analysis uncovers hostile feelings towards Freud, his colleague and master.

[PDF, word count 1597 - Price $5.95]
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