Dream Interpretation Pack

A 4-item dream interpretation resource

$15 Off


This pack has been created for people willing to study Carl Jung’s method of dream interpretation and also have access to more online resources connected to it.

It consists in two courses (email delivery) and two papers (PDF-Download):

[1] Dream Interpretation Methods – 10-lesson course;
[2] Jung and Dreams – 12-lesson course;
[3] How we Deal with a Dream on 3 Levels (paper PDF);
[4] Snake Symbolism in Dreams and Fantasies (paper PDF).

Assignments. The first course of the pack requires several home assignments (not mandatory).

Online help and assistance. We help you with the courses lessons should you need further assistance. Just send your questions to the course email address and we’ll reply shortly.

Quiz. After completing the courses you may take the online quizzes to test your acquired knowledge (not mandatory).

Delivery: By email.

Cost: $50 $35

Buy this pack now through credit card or PayPal and start reading today.

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Delivery note: Upon the payment confirmation you’ll be sent an email with further info related to the course starting procedure. Please read and follow.

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12 thoughts on “Dream Interpretation Pack

  1. I had a waking dream of me on a swing being pushed by a creature laying on his back pushing me with his feet and reading a book to me. A large snake going by with flours sprouting flowers form looking at me smiling . Grass was lush green grass and a beautiful stream babbling by. Over all it was a blissful experience. It seemed to be the child in me that hid me here while being abused as a child.

    • admin says:

      No, sorry. You can’t practice only on the basis of a single course. You must learn much more and this takes many years of self-practice, and support from an expert.

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