Dream Interpretation Methods

A 10-lesson course delivered through email


This course addresses people interested in dream interpretation methods.

It provides a comparison between several methods, from the bush people up to the psychoanalytic era of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.

Each method is explained in plain words and illustrated with examples of dreams interpreted according to the taught method.

– You learn to recognize the dream-visions, the prophetic dreams and the dreams caused by repressed wishes or pointing to the Jungian individuation process;
– You may start your own work with dreams, with our support, according to the taught methods.

Content and delivery. The course is made of ten lessons sent through email on schedule of one lesson every two days.


1. Dreams Interpretation in the Primitive World
2. Dreams Interpretation in the Old Testament
3. Dreams Interpretation at Artemidorus
4. The Classification of Dreams at Macrobius
5. The Psychoanalytic Approach: Sigmund Freud
6. Example of a Dream Interpreted According to Freud’s Method
7. Carl Jung and the Archetypal Dreams
8. Example of a Dream Interpreted According to Jung’s Method
+ Example of a premonitory dream that helped Jung to solve one of his cases (PDF)
9. Cicero and the Divinatory Dreams
10. St. Augustine about Dreams

This course also includes:
– Home assignments (not mandatory);
– Final quiz (not mandatory)

Bonus. Take this course now and receive a paper showing how the interpret a dream according to three different methods (PDF).

Online assistance. Contact J Jones whenever you completed the assignments or need further help with the topics approached.

Cost: $25

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Delivery note: Upon the payment confirmation you’ll be sent an email with further info related to the course starting procedure. Please read and follow.

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