I Ching Methods and Meaning

A 10-lesson email course


As you know, Jung has dedicated much interest to the study of the I Ching (Book of Changes).

Known as the oldest book of the Chinese tradition, I Ching was approached by Carl Jung as a method of divination (similar with astrology) and also as a collection of archetypes illustrating his theory of the collective unconscious.

Last but not least, Jung appealed to I Ching in order to prove his theory of synchronicity.

Jung met Richard Wilhelm – the German translator of the Book – to discuss about its origins, method of inquiry as oracle and symbols. He even wrote an introductory study to the Wilhelm/Baynes English version, inspired by him. 

Richard Wilhelm

Richard Wilhelm, the German translator and commentator of the I Ching. Image source: Wikipedia.

Jungian analysts also show interest in the Book of Changes. They use it mainly during the cure, when in need to further predict the development of an individual analysis and its success or  failure.

Unfortunately and despite Jung’s introduction, I Ching is not easy to use.

Also its functioning as oracle and mainly the interpretation of its answers are very difficult to grasp.

This is why we created this 10-lesson course explaining in plain words the Book’s content, method of inquiry, and meaning of the answers. We also give examples of interpretation depending on the questions asked.

Moreover, upon the completion of the course, you may ask for our assistance with one of your I Ching question and answer. This way you can step further to start your own divination practice to help yourself, you relatives or close friends.

I Ching Hexagrams Chart

I Ching hexagrams chart. Image source: Wikipedia.

Benefits. Find out what is I Ching, the methods of consulting, the hexagrams and how to phrase the questions.

Finally we offer a few hints on how to understand the oracle’s answers.

Content and delivery. The course is made of ten lessons sent through email on schedule of one lesson every two days.

Here are the lessons:

1. Basic Things One Must Know About Oracles;
2. The First Encounter with the I Ching Oracle;
3. Translations and Versions;
4. Content of the Book;
5. Usage of the Oracle (methods of asking questions);
6. The Oracle and the Life of the Couple;
7. Business and the Oracle;
8. Health and the Oracle;
9. The Oracle in Political Life;
10. Hints on Understanding the Answers.

Quiz. There’s a final quiz to test your acquired knowledge (not mandatory).

Bonuses. Take this course now and receive several free papers about:

  • how to use the oracle in dream interpretation (PDF);
  • Jung’s experience with the I Ching oracle (PDF);
  • the I Ching dictionary (PDF).

Price: $25

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