The Meaning of Lost or Stolen Cars in Dreams In general, personal cars are symbols of personal lifestyle, of our own way of being and interacting socially.A comparison will help us better understand what
is personal versus collective. In religious life, collective is the mass participation in the liturgy and the following of tradition and the general rules imposed by the Church. Personal is the
individual way of experiencing the divine, which does not necessarily imply regular attendance at church nor compliance with the rules generally accepted by the church (fasting, praying the Lord's Prayer, cultivating
love for one's fellow man, almsgiving, etc.).
The car in dreams is the symbol of our personal way of being and interact with others |
If we dream that we have forgotten where we parked our car or that it has been stolen, it means, therefore,
that we have practically ceased, for one reason or another, to be ourselves, that we have become strangers to ourselves. It is about self-alienation. Self-alienation produces anxiety and ultimately
depression. It is also observed a certain clumsiness in relationships with others, oscillation between extremes and, on an individual level, the diffuse feeling that something essential is missing from our lives. This "essential" is our specific personality trait, our unique way of being, behaving and asserting ourselves. It is the foundation of our personality that others
recognize as something that belongs only to us. It often happens that we are warned by those close to
us that we are no longer how we used to be, that we have lost this or that specific feature. The very skill that characterized us. This lack can make our lives impossible and often leads to a psychic dissociation through which incompatible parts of the personality express
themselves alternately, often without being aware of this alternation. I would like to point out that not all people have a
special, distinct personality. Most are "common people," that is, people who don't stand out for anything special. For them, the loss of the car or its theft is a symbol of material damage that can bring
with it other troubles. Common people are also those who make the car a symbol of achievement. The upstart is a person who
has suddenly and, usually, inappropriately become "someone", worthy of envy, obviously above the others, an important person.For them, losing the car or having it stolen means a
decline, a serious deficiency in these much-coveted social positioning landmark. If we dream that the car is damaged, it is also due to negligence: we have degraded ourselves through
compromises and actions that lower us in our own eyes… We often dream of our car in a pitiful condition, practically a junk that can no longer be used and must be recycled.
This type of dream is a warning about the precarious health of our body. Finally, the car is also a spiritual symbol, as a vehicle. It represents the philosophical-spiritual doctrine that
we follow to achieve supreme knowledge. This is the case of Buddhism. Dreams about cars, like all dreams, usually have more meanings, so they need the
associations of the dreamer. Resources:
- Check out our site section dealing with Jungian dream interpretation
- Learn how to proceed with dreams according to Jung's method by taking our dream online course. Register
-- Paper by Ana Styla (psychoanalyst researcher and writer) <= Back to Dreams Section | Home |